• 1.3.0: Aughost update! 100+ new lines of dialogue have been added to Yes Man, along with a few more video URLs in the video browsing section of 'browse the internet'! Also fixed a bug where he wasn't using special dialogue for certain 'favorites' you could tell Yes Man about.
  • 1.2.0: Big Update! Added a new unlockable shell, new hat dressups, and stickers for the program window shells. There should also now be a system where the dressup items you apply persist between different shells (as long as each item is a valid dressup for that shell). The style of the right-click menus have been updated as well. New dialogue in a few places, and bug fixes, including: Fixing the clock displaying as 0:00 when it's 12 pm, This or That question answers incorrectly registering as you choosing the 'neither' option, and more typo fixes.
  • 1.1.4: Fixed a bug concerning book favorites not saving correctly, a few typos, and adjusted friendship point values rewarded for actions so friendship does not increase as quickly, and updated contact info in readme.
  • 1.1.3: Fixed a bug concerning items you collect not displaying correctly in dialogue.
  • 1.1.2: Fixed another question bug regarding the favorite school subject question not displaying responses correctly.
  • 1.1.1: Fixed a couple of bugs- first was related to Yes Man accidentally saving your favorite food as a favorite TV show, second was a bug where coffee preference wouldn't save correctly.
  • 1.1.0: First big update! Overhauled the 'favorites' questions: Now you can tell Yes Man about up to 10 things you like for each category, and add/ remove items from the list under the Interact with Yes Man > Talk to Yes Man Menu! Also added 10 new questions, some of which are unlocked through an interaction in the 'Browse the Internet' function. New dialogue added, updated all shell's 'sad' surface with a new expression, and fixed various typos.
  • 1.0.2: Changed some text that was duplicating, and fixed a bug where if you answered your favorite tv show/ movie it would produce blank dialogue where yes man talks about said tv show/ movie. Changed it to where when asked about favorites it won't accept blank dialogues.
  • 1.0.1: Bug fixes, including minor mispellings/ grammar mistakes, bug that broke changing Yes Man's talk rate, bug where clicking outside the taskbar would still activate his menu, and fixed the scripting for 'important' dialogues so they can't be interrupted by any mouse interaction or using hotkeys to cycle dialogue. Added a few more pieces of dialogue as well. Tweaked some requirements for dialogues/ unlocks.
  • 1.0.0: Initial release